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In Garments for Survival
Beeswax cappings glove? more communal :)
In Garments for Survival
Gail Sprott
Mar 06, 2022
I Love that makes me happy!!
go naked?!
In Garments for Survival
Gail Sprott
Mar 06, 2022
Some more thoughts about nakedness, time past, now leaving us to meet the future in a new way! From the book Handwork Indications from Rudolf Steiner CHAPTER XII The History of the Art of Clothing pages 64 and 5 In a lecture held in Dornach on August 27, 1915, Steiner referenced the Old Testament: 'Consider how we are here told that until the time of the Luciferic temptation human beings went around naked. This is not to be taken to mean that, for their consciousness, they went about naked as one would go about naked now, but that previously they had seen the aura around the human being. Consequently, they had not seen what one would see if a human being were to walk around naked today; they saw him in a spiritual garment. The aura was his garment. And when the state of innocence was taken from human beings, when they were condemned to a materialistic mode of life—when, in other words, they could no longer see the aura—they saw what they had not seen as long as the aura had been visible to them. And so they began to replace the aura with the garment. This is the origin of clothing: the replacement of the aura by a garment.3 In our materialistic age it is indeed a good thing to know that human beings first clothed themselves for no other reason than to imitate the aura in their clothing. In sacred rites this is very much the case, for here every article of clothing is an imitation of one part or another of the human aura. You will see in paintings by Raphael that the garments of such figures as Mary, Joseph and Mary Magdalene have colors which tend to recur. For example, you will often see Mary Magdalene, in paintings by those who were familiar with tradition or who still had some clairvoyance, depicted in yellow. The attempt is always made to find some correspondence to the aura of the individuality in question, for they possessed a consciousness enabling them to imitate the aura, to create an expression of the aura, in the clothing. In this way clothing came into being whose archetypal form, the human aura, originated in a world of spirit to which the human being was able to feel his kinship through the way in which he clothed himself. It was a form of dress that stood in close relation to the true nature of the human being; one that had not lost its connection with the human being as is generally the case today. But Steiner did not only speak of the origin of clothing in relation to the single individual; he pointed also to the connections existing between the various peoples and their peculiar styles of dress.4'

Gail Sprott

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